NordArt Opening (Part 2)

The ACO Wagenremise and the Sculpture Park at NordArt 2016 When you think about what you saw in the house, you always end up looking in the garden and the garage to find treasures that other people would miss. If you managed your way out of the Carlshütte before nighttime, you will certainly enjoy the […]

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A Light Touch

A Light Touch -GAëtano- (oil on canvas, 60x60cm) “It was that time of dusk when there is a—deepening of the interior shadows. It is a melancholy time: all you need do is switch on one lamp and the inside and the outside will separate, held apart by the reflections in the glass, and evening will […]

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NordArt Opening (Part 1)

The preview of the NordArt exhibition 2016 was held on the 3rd of June with invited guests. The sun was part of the show and those who thought a jumper or a coat was a must-have in the north of Germany, had to reconsider their knowledge in climatology. The first sight at the venue in […]

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NordArt 2016 – before it starts

Over the past 15 years the growing success of the NordArt international art exhibition in Büdelsdorf, Germany, put it on the map as a strong actor in the contemporary and modern art world. NordArt reputation and interest shown from all over the world has won it a place next to the Frieze Art Fair in […]

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Forty -GAëtano- (oil on canvas, 60x60cm) “Only until this cigarette is ended, A little moment at the end of all, While on the floor the quiet ashes fall, And in the firelight to a lance extended, Bizarrely with the jazzing music blended, The broken shadow dances on the wall, I will permit my memory to […]

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