
Over the past 15 years the growing success of the NordArt international art exhibition in Büdelsdorf, Germany, put it on the map as a strong actor in the contemporary and modern art world.

NordArt reputation and interest shown from all over the world has won it a place next to the Frieze Art Fair in London and the FIAC in Paris. This year, more than ever, the competition between artists to be part of Nordart was fierce and the jury undertook a long process of selection to put on an exciting and entertaining show that would combine variety and diversity in a harmonious assembly.

In 2016 over 4500 artists from 109 countries applied to be part of this great event. Only 250 were accepted for the final exhibition. I am very proud to be one of them with a selection of six paintings that represent a very personal aspect of my work.

Der Baltische Pavillon auf der NordArt 2013 steht unter der Schirmherrschaft der drei baltischen Kultusministerien.
The Baltic Pavillion at NordArt 2013 under the auspices of the three Baltic Ministries of Culture ©NordArt

For this year’s edition, sculptors, painters, photographers and more unconventional artists from all over the world are offered the opportunity to show their creativity on the big stage in an breathtaking location during 4 months running from early June to early October. There will be artwork both indoors in a venue that was once a steel factory –the blast furnace being still present and part of the show- and outdoors in the park, where both permanent and temporary sculptures bring life by creating a unique atmosphere. Not to forget that every year there is a “Country Focus” with a nation invited to select some of their own most promising artists. This year it is Israel. A special pavillion, built within the venue, will welcome visitors for what will certainly be a highlight of the show.

Sculpture Park at NordArt 2015 ©NordArt

If you happen to go to Hamburg or the Schleswig-Holstein region in the north of Germany or if you drive through on your way to Denmark, it is worth having a look at what could be a once in a lifetime art experience.

The long night of the light at NordArt 2014 ©NordArt

I went to Büdelsdorf in March and Lisa Busch, from the NordArt organization team let me visit the empty venue before they started to put all the pieces together. The venue seemed gigantic as you can see on the picture below.

Lisa Busch showing me the smaller room of the venue before the setting up at NordArt 2016 ©GAëtano

It was also the time they started to receive selected artwork from the artists. The warehouse where they were all gathered looked like the archeological warehouse from the Indiana Jones’s final scene. On the NordArt Facebook page, you can already have a taster. As they are quite active on the social network it is worth visiting to get all the latest information.

NordArt warehouse, my paintings are right in the middle, all packed ©NordArt 2016


Setting-up NordArt 2016 in the big hall ©NordArt 2016


Hanging artwork in the big hall ©NordArt 2016

The opening of the 2016 NordArt International exhibition is on June 4th.

You can get all the information you need to get there – driving directions,  admission and list of present artists- on the NordArt website. The two opening days will be in presence of all the people who made the event possible and many prestigious guests, the list of which you can find on the website.

I will post more information about the event when I am back from the opening next week.

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